Dicionário Online


Significado de Adipose

substantivo feminino Excesso de gordura no organismo.

Definição de Adipose

Classe gramatical: substantivo feminino
Separação silábica: a-di-po-se
Plural: adiposes

Outras informações sobre a palavra

Possui 7 letras
Possui as vogais: a e i o
Possui as consoantes: d p s
A palavra escrita ao contrário: esopida

Rimas com adipose

Significado de adipose

"adipose" em frases

...be stored within the pores, when faced with bacteria, dirty air occurs when malignant adipose acidification or anaerobic bacteria infection, and outbreak of acne..

Em romthistol.blogs.sapo.pt

Cx601 (TiGenix/Takeda) is a suspension of expanded allogeneic adipose -derived mesenchymal stem cells (eASC) delivered locally by intra-lesional injection, which is in development...

Em noticiasdecrohn.blogs.sapo.pt

Adipose tissue as an endocrine organ..

Em www.arapariganaaldeia.pt

...facilitam a eliminação de resíduos retidos no corpo e promovem a redução do tecido adipose ..

Em justbymartawahnon.blogs.sapo.pt

...had apparent Snow, overhung the ocean, which, brilliant on this aspect, shone accepting an adipose gleam, as although the after-effects buried a brownish oil..

Em royaljewelries.blogs.sapo.pt

...in functions related to circadian biology, skin and hair development and physiology, lipid metabolism, adipose development and physiology, and temperature sensation..

Em Desafiando a Nomenklatura Científica

Definition of extraprostatic extension Extraprostatic extension is defined as carcinoma mixed with periprostatic adipose tissue, or

Em imagio_pernadas.blogs.sapo.ao

th Doctor Weeping Angel Cyberman Dalek TARDIS Adipose 12th Doctor Pocket Pop Keychain 11th Doctor Pocket Pop Keychain 10th Doctor Pocket Pop...

Em confrariadearton.blogspot.com

We found that MSCs derived from bone marrow, adipose tissue and cord were successfully infected by NDV and were able to

Em cyto.blogs.sapo.pt

Proteomic analysis for antiobesity potential of capsaicin on white adipose tissue in rats fed with a high fat diet ..

Em fazbemasaude.blogs.sapo.pt