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Significado de Adverse

Adverse vem do verbo adversar. O mesmo que: contradiga.

Significado de adversar

Contrariar, contestar, contraditar.

Definição de Adverse

Flexão do verbo adversar na: 1ª pessoa do singular do presente do subjuntivo, 3ª pessoa do singular do presente do subjuntivo, 3ª pessoa do singular do imperativo afirmativo, 3ª pessoa do singular do imperativo negativo

Outras informações sobre a palavra

Possui 7 letras
Possui as vogais: a e
Possui as consoantes: d r s v
A palavra escrita ao contrário: esrevda

Rimas com adverse

Significado de adverse

"adverse" em frases

?s COVID-19 ?Yellow Card? vaccine adverse event data and found it indicates ?unequivocal safety signals? for adverse


Ligação direta (clicar no link seguinte) para aceder à listagem interativa de 800 Artigos editados na Infohabitar ? edição de janeiro de 2022 com links revistos em junho de 2022 (38 temas e mais de 100 autores): https://drive.google.com/file/d/10pE2v330_tyapyPw4vUVZFCQ15RYUqF4/view?usp=sharing Notas sobre o habitar, a ?

Em infohabitar - o blog do grupo habitar

...and lithium from the seabed, with gigantic and very powerful machines operating in very adverse and risky conditions (high depth and subject to great pressure), destroying local ecosystems and...

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Policies and strategies are needed to minimise the adverse effects and maximise the ?green

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time: Even if land conversion, repeated harvests, fire, drought, disease, and other adverse events never arise, regrowth takes time..

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that: ?human-induced climate change, including more frequent and intense extreme events, has caused widespread adverse impacts and related losses and damages to nature and people, beyond natural climate variability..

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deal with the low dose adverse effects of everyday-everywhere chemicals (Lodafs) where endocrine disruption is the best understood suit of...

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international recommendations to protect health against the adverse effect of EMF?..

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Rich countries who have caused the overwhelming part of the adverse effects of climate change to date have benefited from their overexploitation of the

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to or cause adverse health outcomes ..

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