Significado de Later

verbo intransitivo O mesmo que latejar.--É verbo defectivo. Só vejo empregada a 3.^a pess. do sing. do pres. do indic., como poderia empregar-se a 3.^a do plural. «Em vão lhe late o peito de insoffrido.» Filinto. VII, 248. Cf. Garrett, Flor. sem Fruto, 198.
verbo intransitivo [Antigo] Estar occulto. Cf.
feminino Manuel, Carta de Guia, XXIX.
Etimologia (origem da palavra later). Do latim latere.

Definição de Later

Classe gramatical: verbo intransitivo
Tipo do verbo later: regular
Separação silábica: la-ter

Outras informações sobre o verbete

Possui 5 letras
Possui as vogais: a e
Possui as consoantes: l r t
O verbo escrito ao contrário: retal

Sinônimos de Later

Later é sinônimo de: latejar

Rimas com later

Conjugação do verbo later

Tipo do Verbo: regular
Infinitivo: later
Gerúndio: latendo
Particípio Passado: latido





"later" em frases de outros sites

...used to configure the master boot code to one compatible with BOOTMGR (Vista and later ) or NTLDR (XP and earlier)..

Em Acerca do mundo known for his innovative recording practices and entrepreneurship in the 1960s, followed decades later by his two

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Goosen later told how the fish was steely blue when first seen, but by the time...

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...will be printed, reproducing a wide selection of the works received after/following up, which later will be sent to competitors free of charge, previous formal request..

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Later work She released Titanic Days , informed by her failing

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As the Australian demographer Jack Caldwell later pointed out, he could have seen as many people in similarly crowded conditions during...

Em BioTerra place the subject on a scientific basis, this classification has been superseded by later work..

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"Ringo later joked he wanted the cops to drag him off..

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Works are to be delivered via e-mail by 30th November 2021 (no later than 11..

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The lightvessel , later replaced by a beacon, is now berthed at Victoria Dock

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